What is an “Action” in Schema?

What is an “Action” in Schema?Most uses of schema markup for structured data explain physical “things” (to use the vocabulary of Schema) like a restaurant, a person, or a recipe. However, there are other important webpage elements that are not physical things but are ways to take action with those things. Since 2014 (announcement), certain actions … Read more What is an “Action” in Schema?

30 Rich Results in Google powered by Schema

Schema markup is more than recipe steps and rating stars. Most people implement schema markup (aka structured data) because of the enhancements it can provide in the appearance of their Google search results: review snippets, knowledge graph logos, video carousels and, yes, rating stars to name a few. Structured data can indeed transform your search results from … Read more 30 Rich Results in Google powered by Schema

Getting Started with Schema and Structured Data

How to get started with schema markup and structured dataYou’ve heard the reasons to add schema markup, aka structured data, to your site and you want in on the action. So what’s the best way to get started with schema markup and structured data? That’s exactly what we’ll cover in this article. Read further to learn all the … Read more Getting Started with Schema and Structured Data
